2. Revision Questions 2

33. How many hurdles are-required per competitor In the 110m.Hurdles race in Athletics 34. State any five factors to consider when making an athletics championship program 35:Which are the first day's events in decathlon? 36.What is the procedure used to break a tie in a decathlon event?. 37.State any four differences between the running techniques in 200m race and 5000 race, 38.Slate any four factors that would contribute to a successful clearance of the barrier the 3,00Dm steeplechase. 39.What would lead to disqualification of an athlete during the sprint start? 40.Qther than relays, name a team event in Athletics. 41. Describe the teaching points for javelin throw under the following, sub headings:
II. Carry
III. Approach 42.Why are the starting points on the track for 3000m and 3000m Steeplechase races different? 43.Where is the measurement read from during a long jump competition? 44. Give any-four factors that should be considered when choosing a site for 400m athletics track. 45. Explain the following terms as used in Athletics:
I. Kerb
II. Stagger
III. Home straight 46. Give any four rules that govern the 4x100m relay race in Athletics 47. List the stages of performing pole-vault. 48. Give any two safety measure that should be observed when teaching javelin. 49. Identify any three qualities of a good athletics official… 50. How many times does one go over the barrier in steeplechase-in athletics?