1. Revision Questions

1. List four factors other than altitude that can affect performance of an athlete?
2. Which is the recommended type of baton change over in the 4x400m relay ever
3. What’s the reason for using staggers in a 400m race?
4. Give any two reasons why an athlete should keep warm after an event?
5. State any four reasons why same countries do not participate in Olympic games
6. How do you judge a winner in sprint-event whore more than one athlete finishes same time?
7. State any 4 rules that govern the walking race?
8. As a coach of an athletics team, give factors of movements Improve the performances. Of runner, you would emphasis
9. Give any two instances that would lead to disqualification in the sprint start.
10. State four duties of a team manager in athletics.
11. Name any two differences between 100m and 110m hurdles.
12. Give three categories of crops-country
13. Name any two styles of high jumping.
14. Name two styles used in long jumps.
15. Name any two track events that start on staggers in athletics.
16. State the two commonly used technique in shot put.
17. State any two dutles of the following officials in athletic
I. Teem manager
II. Clerk of the course What are the second and third stages in the performances of long jump? State any two ways in which the crouch start helps a sprinter to accelerate. Name the track event in which Kenya has won gold over time she has parti Olympics games since 1968. Some athletic events can be performed both at high altitude than at low Altitude.
I. Name any two such events.
II. Give any two reasons for the better performances of the events you named above. 26 Name the progressive stage of teaching pole vault.